Check out our paintball fields in Budapest and Tököl and our prices!
You are welcome to our indoor and outdoor fields in Budapest and Tököl all year round! You can choose from our 8 fields in Tököl, and in Budapest you can play every day of the year in The Cave, whatever the weather may be. You are sure to find your favorite!
Great prices!
Located at the former Soviet military airbase, the Tököl field has 8 parts, giving you the chance to experience real fighting situations. Are you in for a real adventure? Military barracks, forest, attacks in a building or sneaking around in ditches… There are different indoor and outdoor fields to enjoy the fight!
Tököl paintball field:
- suitable for more than 100 players
- former Russian military airbase
- "Straw bales" and “Western” for the Wild West
- “Forest”and “Hollow”for the nature lovers
- suitable for team-buildingactivities
2316 Tököl, Pesti út 1. Reptér II. kapu.
ALL the above fields are located in Tököl, a small town near Budapest (Address: 2316 Tököl, Pesti út 1.), at the former military airbase. Enter at Gate no 2. (II. kapu)
Timetable: Click here